WebWave website builder is one of the top products on PoroductHunt

Press Release


WebWave shows a different approach to web design and lands in the group of top products on Product Hunt

2 March 2023 / by Janusz Mirowski / Press Kit

WebWave is a true drag-and-drop website builder. In February, we launched a campaign on Product Hunt. Despite competing with popular AI tools, the Product Hunt community voted us the #1 Product of the Week and the top 4 of the Month. It's a huge accomplishment. Such results only prove that the graphical approach to web design presented by WebWave is what people need.


WebWave was founded in 2012 by Maciej Czajkowski. Inspired by his past as a web developer, he decided to make a tool that would shift the process of creating websites into the hands of graphic designers and marketers. 

I was ace with code but lacked the imagination and creativity necessary to design great websites. It helped me to realize engineers only slow the process. Creative people have all the skills and knowledge but miss proper web design software.

Maciej Czajkowski

WebWave's founder and CEO

WebWave was created to resemble the interface and workflow of graphic design tools like Photoshop or Figma. With WebWave, you create websites like you design graphics. 

The tool gathered over 500 000 users. With all the positive feedback from our users, we decided that it was time to introduce WebWave to the rest of the world. A Product Hunt campaign was here to help. 

We knew we had a great product that offered something different from the competitors. At the same time, we also knew that website builders are nothing new in general. Yet, we still wanted to do our best and give Product Hunt a try. 

We contacted Chriss Mesina, the #1 hunter in 2022. He helped us bring up WebWave's strengths into the spotlight. The final result of those discussions was our Product Card

WebWave website builder is one of the top products on Product Hunt

After a couple of months of planning, making a custom-made video and visual presentation, and networking, we finally launched our campaign on February 6th. 

Each day around 50 new products launch on Product Hunt. It gives 350 contestants a week and more than 1400 a month. We were also competing against trendy AI tools.

We finished our initial launch day on the 3rd spot. However, as the week went by, people were more and more interested in WebWave. The community eventually voted us the #1 Product of the Week. 

On the last day of February, WebWave was in the top 4 Products, the #1 web design product, and reviewed 143 times with a 4.9 rating.

Janusz Mirowski

Head of Global Marketing, WebWave 


+48 666 689 900

WebWave's logo

WebWave website builder is your AI-powered solution for building an online presence. Create your website in 3 minutes, add an online store or a blog, and grow your business. 


We created this website with WebWave.


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