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Published: 12 September 2024

12 September 2024

10 Productivity Tips for Small Business Owners

Do you run your own small business but have a productivity problem? Do you not know how to plan your work or distribute tasks? Do you want to grow your business and strengthen your position in the market? I invite you to a quick discussion of techniques to increase productivity. 

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What Is Productivity?

Productivity is the concept of using time, resources, and energy to maximize the achievement of a specific goal or task. In simple terms, it means doing more in less time and using the right tools and methods.

In the business world, productivity is one of the critical indicators that determines a company's efficiency and profitability. Daily life allows us to manage our time better and achieve personal goals. High productivity means we complete more tasks, don't waste time on unimportant issues, and get better results.

Unfortunately, wanting to be more productive is not enough. It must be combined with implementing the right habits and ways to realistically affect our productivity. Today, we have too many things around us, which can negatively impact our motivation. So, what habits are worth implementing?


1. Create a Workspace

If you run your business from home, you must have your own office, or at least a place to call it that. I know there isn't always room and space for it, but it's imperative. After all, we know how hard it is to separate private life from work in a small business.


Let's Choose a Room

However, it often happens that we have less space to arrange a home office, especially in a small apartment or studio. In such a case, you should consider separating a work area in the bedroom or living room. In this situation, it is crucial to separate the work area from the relaxation area. We can do this with curtains, folding walls, or simply functional furniture.

A bookcase, the walls of which do not significantly restrict the flow of light, can be an advantageous solution. Importantly, it can serve two functions: to separate the space and to store office documents and accessories. 


Light — a not inconsiderable matter

Choosing lighting is not an easy task. In a home office, you need to combine functional and mood lighting skillfully - so you don't feel like you've been working all day.  A well-lit workspace increases efficiency but also affects our mood. First, remember that daylight is essential for well-being. It has a positive effect on concentration and gives us more energy.


The workplace is your kingdom

Once we have solved the issue of separating the workspace and its lighting, it's time to tackle the arrangement of our home workspace. You spend several hours a day in your home office, so it's essential that you feel comfortable in it. Personal accessories will have a good effect on you. Photos, paintings, plants, and favorite ornaments will definitely help you feel better. 


2. Establish Objectives 

There's nothing worse than working through spelled-out goals. It is a road to nowhere. Productivity is closely linked to motivation. To increase your productivity, you must regularly keep your motivation for various tasks equally high. If you set measurable and specific goals, you will see periodically whether you are moving in the right direction. Nothing is more motivating than overcoming more barriers and ticking off more goals that we have completed. Set, done — that's compelling action.


Setting goals for yourself is important because it allows you to focus on a specific task or goal, contributing to productivity. As mentioned earlier, it helps with motivation but also improves work planning, evaluation of one's own progress, and further development based on the goals achieved so far. If you're asking how to increase productivity, the answer is to set measurable goals and keep track of them.


3. Create Your To-Do List (Checklist)

The to-do list each day exceeds the capacity of 8 or even 12 hours. You don't know exactly how much time you need to tackle everything that needs to be done. And you don't treat the task list as the number one priority.

How do you embrace the chaos? How do you arrange everything you have to do in a way that makes sense so that, in addition to creating a list of tasks, they are actually done?


Checklist tool 

You can find dozens of different apps where you can create task lists. I make them in Google Docs and work on my phone using the Google Keep app. This way I have access to them at all times. They must be available through the website and the app on the phone because this ensures constant access to them. Of course, you can use at least a piece of paper and a pen, but I prefer the online version because of access and easy editing. 


Writing down the list 

The next element is simply to write down everything step by step, which, contrary to appearances, is not at all easy if you describe an activity that you already do automatically and of certain elements you may not even realize. 

You can do it on the fly while you are doing the activity. You can also record what you are doing on your phone and later write it down from the video. I always break these points down into the smallest possible tasks to avoid forgetting anything. 


4. Getting Up Regularly

This is an element of time management. You can get a lot done for those 2–3 hours in the morning. The phones are not still ringing then, so there is peace, which is perfect for work. 


5. Morning Rituals

Such regularly performed elements will bring routine and order. Let it be a few minutes outdoors, a run, coffee, or breakfast. It's up to you. It's essential to plan your day and know what will follow. Ensure that nothing distracts your attention.


6. Checking Emails in the Morning

Check emails and reply to them. This ritual will put the most essential matters, including the most urgent ones, behind you. Perhaps the customer hasn't received a refund or his shipment hasn't been sent yet? 

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7. Create a mini CRM to manage your customers

Start using a CRM for small business to manage and monitor your Customers. To do this, you'll only need an Excel spreadsheet or a Gmail add-on.


You'll need the CRM to track projects, monitor customer status, and conduct any after-sales activities you want to.

In the spreadsheet, you can save:

  • Details of your Customers,
  • Date and type of service or product purchased,
  • The method of acquiring the Customer,
  • Status of the work completed,
  • Remuneration,
  • Payment terms,
  • Info on references,
  • After-sales activities

This allows you to quickly summarize each month of your work, the best clients, the most incredible projects and analyze your salary.


8. Master Your Invoices and Bills

You are probably not a fan of managing this side of your business. However, let me assure you—if you don't pay your invoices on time, no one will.

Do not underestimate it and do not try to skip it. Unfortunately, anything you don't do correctly will come back to you with double the force, and you will be in a panic to seek help. After all, you don't want to run your business this way, do you?

Work out a system so that you know where to put those invoices, where the receipts are, when you should send everything to the accountant, when to settle, how to describe, affix stamps and so on and so forth.


9. Start Delegating your Tasks

This point could not be missed in a post about small business organizations and how!

You can start all by yourself in the beginning and make a solid foundation to delegate your tasks in the future. Here, I mean — write down all your processes, get to know your industry and your clients, start making money, and only then seek the support of a virtual assistant.

When you want to take your business to the next level and know that a virtual assistant is not a waste of money but an investment in your business, start looking for the right one.

Do research and match an assistant whose skills are tailored to your needs.


10. Block out distractions

In today's digital age, distractions are everywhere, from social media notifications to the allure of streaming services. To manage your time effectively, you must control these distractions. Here's how to do it:

  • Mute your phone or put it in another room while you work.
  • Use website blockers to prevent access to time-wasting sites during work hours.
  • Set specific times to check and respond to emails instead of constantly checking your inbox.

Create Your Website

A small business website is essential to being a small business owner. It is a way to reach many customers and expand your business. Your website will also allow you to sell. Choose a functional tool, such as an AI website builder. This is an option for those who want to create a website themselves.



Running a business is quite a challenge! That's why it's so essential to plan tasks and delegate those you can't do yourself. Save everything in one file - this will help you avoid paying invoices or delays. 


What are some productivity hacks that small business owners can use to maximize their productivity levels?

Small business owners can boost their productivity by implementing strategies such as the Pomodoro technique, which involves working for 25 minutes, a 5-minute break, and using project management tools to keep track of tasks. Additionally, prioritizing tasks and writing everything down can help ensure that nothing is overlooked.


How can I effectively manage my email inbox to enhance productivity?

To manage your email inbox efficiently, consider setting specific times during the day to check emails rather than constantly monitoring it. This allows you to focus on other tasks without interruption. Using filters and labels can also help organize emails to prioritize important messages and automate responses for common inquiries.


What is the best way to prioritize tasks during a busy workday?

One effective method to prioritize tasks is to use the Eisenhower Matrix, which categorizes tasks based on urgency and importance. This helps small business owners identify which tasks need immediate attention and which can be scheduled for later. Writing everything down and breaking larger projects into smaller tasks can also make prioritization easier.


Can multitasking actually harm my productivity?

Yes, multitasking can often harm your productivity more than it helps. Focusing on one task at a time allows you to accomplish it more efficiently and with greater quality. Switching between tasks can increase the time it takes to complete each one and may lead to mistakes.


What role does taking breaks play in maintaining productivity levels?

Taking regular breaks is crucial for maintaining high productivity levels. Breaks allow your brain to rest, helping you return to work feeling refreshed and more focused. Techniques like the Pomodoro method incorporate breaks into the work process, ensuring you stay energized throughout your workday.


How can project management tools improve my productivity as a small business owner?

Project management tools can significantly streamline workflows by allowing you to organize tasks, set deadlines, and track progress all in one place. This can help you ensure that you stay on top of projects, collaborate more effectively with your team, and ultimately get more done in less time.


What are some tips for working from home while maintaining productivity?

Establish a dedicated workspace that minimizes distractions to maintain productivity while working from home. Stick to a routine, make use of a calendar to schedule your tasks, and take regular breaks to recharge. Also, communicating clearly with your team can help keep everyone aligned and focused.


How can writing everything down improve my productivity?

Writing everything down helps to declutter your mind and ensures that you don’t forget important tasks. It allows you to visualize your workload and prioritize effectively. A daily or weekly planner can also help you track accomplishments and stay organized throughout your workday.


What is a 'top productivity trick' that I can implement today?

A top productivity trick you can implement today is to use time blocking. You can make your work more structured and focused by allocating specific time slots for each task. This technique helps you avoid distractions and ensures that you dedicate time to the most important tasks on your list.

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