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Published: April 14 2023

Chari Harper

14 April 2023

5 Ways to Find Work as a Freelance Web Designer: Book out Your Website Design Services 

As an aspiring freelance web designer, you may wonder where freelancers go to find work and how to kick-start your career in this competitive field. With an array of platforms and strategies at your disposal, the key is to navigate them effectively to connect with potential clients and showcase your expertise. This blog post will delve into the most promising avenues for finding freelance web design work, including freelancing websites, social media, your website, networking, and referrals. By exploring these options and understanding their nuances, you'll be better equipped to build a thriving freelance career and make your mark in the world of web design.

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What does a Website Designer do?

A web designer is a professional responsible for designing and creating websites' visual and functional aspects. This includes preparing the layout, choosing colors and fonts, and creating graphics and images that enhance a website's overall look and feel. They may work on individual design projects or get paid an hourly rate. Web designers must also ensure that their designs are optimised for user experience and that the website is easy to navigate and use. They can work closely with web developers to ensure the website functions correctly and meets the client's needs. These days, there are plenty of platforms that take care of the developing site for you. This means no (or limited) coding skills are required. In addition to technical skills, web designers must have strong creative and problem-solving abilities and a good understanding of current design trends and web technologies.


Where to Find Freelance Web Designer Jobs

Where do you start in your journey to easily find freelance work as a website designer? Here are five places to begin your search for freelance web design jobs.


Freelancing websites

Freelancing websites are online platforms that connect freelance web designers with freelance jobs. These websites offer a range of opportunities for web designers to find work, build their portfolios, and grow their businesses. As a freelance web designer, freelancing websites can effectively connect with clients worldwide and gain exposure to your work. These platforms allow web designers to create a profile, showcase their portfolios, and bid on projects that match their skills and experience. They also provide tools and resources to help manage projects and communicate with clients effectively. Some popular freelancing websites include Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer, and Guru. Check out the listed jobs and apply for jobs that match your skills. These websites offer various services and features that can help freelance web designers find work, build their reputation, and grow their business in a competitive marketplace.



Networking can be a powerful tool for web designers looking to find clients. By building relationships with other professionals in the industry, you can increase your visibility, gain new clients, and learn about recent trends and technologies in web design. Networking can take many forms, from attending industry events and conferences to joining professional organizations and online communities. Start with a Google or Facebook search of networking groups in your local area. For example, 'Business networking groups Sydney'. You can also search for Facebook groups for small business owners. When networking, it's essential to be genuine and authentic and focus on building relationships rather than just promoting your web design services. By creating a solid network of contacts, you can establish yourself as a trusted and respected professional in the industry, leading to new business opportunities and long-term success as a freelance web designer.

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Social Media

Social media can be a great way for freelance web designers to grow their businesses and connect with potential clients. Platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram offer a range of opportunities to showcase your work, connect with other professionals in the industry, and build your reputation as a skilled and knowledgeable web designer. To effectively use social media as a freelancer, it's essential to establish a consistent and professional presence on each platform. This can include regularly sharing your work and industry insights, engaging with other professionals in the industry, and building relationships with potential clients. Hashtags can also help reach a wider audience and attract new followers. It's essential to remember that social media should be used strategically and in moderation, as it can be easy to get lost in the noise and waste time on non-productive activities. By using social media strategically, freelance web designers can grow their businesses and connect with new clients and opportunities.


Create a Website

Having your own website can be essential for freelance website designers looking to grow their business and attract new clients. A website serves as a digital portfolio where you can showcase your quality work, describe your services, and provide potential clients with a way to contact you. It's essential to design your website in a way that showcases your skills and expertise as a professional web designer, with a focus on user experience and accessibility. Your website should also be optimised for search engines to ensure potential clients can find you when searching for web designers online. You can also use your website to establish your brand and differentiate yourself from other web designers in the industry. This can include creating a unique logo, defining your style and approach to web design, and highlighting your values and mission as a freelance web designer. Your website can also serve as a platform for creating content that demonstrates your expertise in the industry, such as blog posts or tutorials, which can help attract new clients and establish yourself as a thought leader in the industry. Overall, having your website is an essential tool for freelance web designers looking to grow their businesses and establish a solid online presence. If you'd like to get into web development professionally, check out the article how to become a web designer.


Ask for referrals

Asking for referrals can be a powerful way for freelance web designers to grow their businesses and attract new clients. Referrals are essentially word-of-mouth recommendations from satisfied clients and can be a highly effective way to build trust and establish credibility with potential new clients. To ask for referrals, it's essential to establish a strong working relationship with your existing clients and deliver high-quality work that exceeds their expectations. Once you have found this relationship, you can ask them if they know anyone who might benefit from your services or if they could refer you to other potential clients. You can also incentivize referrals by offering discounts or other rewards to clients who refer new business to you. Referrals can also be gained through networking with other professionals in the industry, such as other web designers, developers, or marketing professionals, who may have clients needing your services. Overall, asking for referrals can be an effective way for freelance web designers to grow their businesses and establish a steady stream of new clients.


Tips for Becoming a Successful Freelance Web Designer

As a web designer who has moved beyond the beginner stage, it's vital to focus on continuous growth and skill development. Stay abreast of the latest web design trends, tools, and technologies by attending industry conferences, webinars, and workshops. Consider expanding your skill set to include complementary fields like user experience design, graphic design, SEO, or digital marketing. Collaborate with fellow designers, developers, and other professionals in the industry to exchange ideas, knowledge, and best practices. Participate in design challenges or hackathons to hone your problem-solving abilities and push your creative boundaries. Seek constructive feedback from peers, clients, or online communities to identify areas for improvement. Invest time refining your soft skills, such as communication, project management, and client relations, which will ultimately contribute to your long-term success in the web design industry. If you want to choose only professional tools, bet on drag and drop website builder, with which you can create a professional website for yourself and your clients. 



Finding work as a freelance web designer might seem daunting at first, but leveraging a combination of platforms and strategies can create a steady stream of opportunities. Freelancing websites, social media platforms, and professional websites are excellent starting points for showcasing your skills and connecting with clients. However, never underestimate the power of networking and referrals from satisfied clients, as these can lead to invaluable long-term relationships and even more projects. By employing a multifaceted approach, staying persistent, and continuously honing your skills, you can carve a successful path for yourself in the ever-growing world of freelance web design.

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